Jason Marnocha

Jason Marnocha is a voice actor from Indiana who has voiced roles in Transformers, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, and Chainsaw Man,

Daman Mills

Daman Mills is a voice actor and director based in Los Angeles.

Jeff Nimoy

Emmy Award winner Jeff Nimoy adapted, voice directed, and served as story editor for the top-rated Fox Kids show Digimon: Digital Monsters. Jeff has voiced many characters across the Digimon franchise, including Spencer Damon, Young Gennai, Tentomon, Cherrymon, Demidevimon, Gabumon, Hawkmon, Kamemon, and Kabuterimon.

Tara Sands

Tara Jayne Sands can be heard as over 50 characters on the original Pokemon series, including Bulbasaur, Richie, Jasmine, Oddish, and Tori.

Michael Sorich

Michael Sorich is a prolific American actor, writer, and director. 

Lex Lang

Lex Lang is a fan-favorite voice actor with an extensive background in Anime, Animation, Video Games, TV, and Blockbuster films (over 450 credits).  

Dorothy Fahn


Dorothy Fahn is a voice actor known for Naruto, Trigun, Fire Emblem, Digimon, and more!

Colleen O’Shaughnessey

Colleen O’Shaughnessey has voiced numerous characters on anime and animated series, features, video games, commercials and toys.

Brian Beacock


Brian Beacock is an actor, writer, producer, VO actor, singer and musician from the San Francisco Bay Area.