Chris Tergliafera is known for his extensive work in anime, video games, and animation. Chris voiced Fugen the Village Elder in the hit game “Monster Hunter: Rise” and Jyoji Hijiri in the remaster of “Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne”. He is the powerful fortune-teller Avdol in the fan phenomena series “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders”. An Anime mainstay, Chris stars as the protagonist’s father, Silva Zoldyck, in Adult Swim’s “Hunter x Hunter”, Geronimo in Netflix’s “Cyborg 009”, the bombastic Tank-Top Tiger in the acclaimed anime, “One-Punch Man”, Taizoo in “Seven Deadly Sins”, Grimms in “Sword Gai”, Yamikaze in “Sword Art Online”, Muraki in “Mob Psycho 100”, Marcos in “Re:Zero”.
In video games, he plays the main antagonist, Sigma and Ultron Sigma in “Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinity.” Chris has also been featured in other huge franchises such as God of War 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, Halo Wars 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Octopath Traveler, Star Wars: Uprising and the cult favorite, Danganronpa, as Gundham Tanaka and Ryoma Hoshi. In animation, he is the recurring character, Rasticore, in the hit animated series “Star Vs. the Forces of Evil” on Disney XD. One of his more enjoyable guest star roles was as a Magic Dragon in Disney’s “Pickle and Peanut.”
An ADR veteran, Chris has supplied his voice to “Terminator: Genisys” and as the voice double for Vin Diesel in “Fate of the Furious”.
Short Bio
Chris Tergliafera is an LA voice actor who most recently voiced Fugen the Village Elder in the hit game “Monster Hunter: Rise” and Jyoji Hijiri in the remaster of “Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne”. He played the powerful fortune teller “Avdol” in “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders” and the main antagonists Sigma and Ultron Sigma in “Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite”. His other works include “Hunter x Hunter”, “One-Punch Man”, “GTAV”, “Octopath Traveler”, “Sword Art Online”, “God of War 4”, and “Mob Psycho 100”